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Last modified: Sat, 22 Oct 2011




Creates a new world.

Returns the id of the new world.



Destroys the world.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns whether a world with the given id exists.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Destroys all polygons, bodies, joints, ... in the world.

  • world_id: The id of the world.


ep_world_set_settings(world_id, timestep, velocity_iterations, position_iterations, contact_threshold, velocity_threshold, baumgarte_factor, mass_bias, position_factor)

Changes the settings of the world. For more details, read this tutorial.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • timestep: The length of one time step. The default value is 1.

  • velocity_iterations: The number of iterations used by the velocity solver. Using a higher value increases accuracy. The default value is 20.

  • position_iterations: The number of iterations used by the position solver. Using a higher value increases accuracy. The default value is 10.

  • contact_threshold: The threshold value for collisions. This stops contacts from being destroyed immediately after creation and increases stability.

  • velocity_threshold: The velocity that is lost during collisions. This compensates for the energy collisions add to the system when gravity is used.

  • baumgarte_factor: The bias factor used by the Baumgarte stabilization. Using a lower value will increase stability but decrease accuracy. The default value is 0.1.

  • mass_bias: The bias factor used to calculate the mass of constraints. The best value depends on the complexity of the simulation. The default value is 0.5.

  • position_factor: The bias factor used by the position solver. Using a lower value will sometimes increase stability. The default value is 1.


ep_world_set_primary_axis(world_id, horizontal)

Changes the primary axis. This doesn't change the results but the simulation will be faster if set correctly. Horizontal scanning is usually faster if there are lots of shapes with similar y-values. This is often the case when (vertical) gravity is used.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • horizontal: Indicates whether the world is mostly horizontal. The default value is true.


ep_world_set_sleeping(world_id, enable_sleeping, time_stable, time_outofview, stable_maxvel, stable_maxrotvel)

Changes the sleeping settings of the world.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • enable_sleeping: Indicates whether sleeping should be enabled.

  • time_stable: The time objects have to be stable before going to sleep. Set this to 0 to disable sleeping for stable objects.

  • time_outofview: The time objects have to be out of view before going to sleep. Set this to 0 to disable sleeping for objects that are out of view.

  • stable_maxvel: Bodies with a velocity lower than this value are considered stable.

  • stable_maxrotvel: Bodies with a rotational velocity lower than this value are considered stable.



Finds collisions and updates all contacts. You have to call this right before calling ep_world_simulate_step.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Simulates one time step. Remember to call ep_world_update_contacts first.

  • world_id: The id of the world.


ep_world_collision_test_box(world_id, w, h, x, y, rot, contact_threshold, collidemask1, collidemask2, group)

Returns the number of shapes that collide with a 'virtual' box. You can use ep_world_get_collision_body and ep_world_get_collision_shape to get the ids of the bodies and shapes.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • w: The width of the box.

  • h: The height of the box.

  • x: The x coordinate of the box (world coordinates).

  • y: The y coordinate of the box (world coordinates).

  • rot: The rotation of the box (world coordinates).

  • contact_threshold: The contact threshold.

  • collidemask1: The first collision mask.

  • collidemask2: The second collision mask.

  • group: The group. Use 0 for no group.


ep_world_collision_test_line(world_id, x1, y1, x2, y2, contact_threshold, collidemask1, collidemask2, group)

Returns the number of shapes that collide with a 'virtual' line. You can use ep_world_get_collision_body and ep_world_get_collision_shape to get the ids of the bodies and shapes.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • x1: The x coordinate of the first point (world coordinates).

  • y1: The y coordinate of the first point (world coordinates).

  • x2: The x coordinate of the second point (world coordinates).

  • y2: The y coordinate of the second point (world coordinates).

  • contact_threshold: The contact threshold.

  • collidemask1: The first collision mask.

  • collidemask2: The second collision mask.

  • group: The group. Use 0 for no group.


ep_world_collision_test_circle(world_id, r, x, y, contact_threshold, collidemask1, collidemask2, group)

Returns the number of shapes that collide with a 'virtual' circle. You can use ep_world_get_collision_body and ep_world_get_collision_shape to get the ids of the bodies and shapes.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • r: The radius of the circle.

  • x: The x coordinate of the circle (world coordinates).

  • y: The y coordinate of the circle (world coordinates).

  • contact_threshold: The contact threshold.

  • collidemask1: The first collision mask.

  • collidemask2: The second collision mask.

  • group: The group. Use 0 for no group.


ep_world_collision_test_polygon(world_id, polygon_id, x, y, rot, contact_threshold, collidemask1, collidemask2, group)

Returns the number of shapes that collide with a 'virtual' polygon. You can use ep_world_get_collision_body and ep_world_get_collision_shape to get the ids of the bodies and shapes.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • polygon_id: The id of the polygon.

  • x: The x coordinate of the polygon (world coordinates).

  • y: The x coordinate of the polygon (world coordinates).

  • rot: The rotation of the polygon (world coordinates).

  • contact_threshold: The contact threshold.

  • collidemask1: The first collision mask.

  • collidemask2: The second collision mask.

  • group: The group. Use 0 for no group.


ep_world_ray_cast(world_id, x, y, vx, vy, collidemask1, collidemask2, group)

Calculates whether a 'virtual' ray intersects a body. You can use ep_world_get_collision_body and ep_world_get_collision_shape to get the id of the body and shape.

Returns the distance to the point of intersection, or -1 if there is no intersection.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • x: The x coordinate of the starting point of the ray.

  • y: The y coordinate of the starting point of the ray.

  • vx: The x component of the direction vector of the ray.

  • vy: The y component of the direction vector of the ray.

  • collidemask1: The first collision mask.

  • collidemask2: The second collision mask.

  • group: The group. Use 0 for no group.


ep_world_get_collision_body(world_id, index)

Returns the id of the body that was found by a collision/raycast function.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • index: The index of the collision (0 is the first index). The collision functions will return the number of collisions found.


ep_world_get_collision_shape(world_id, index)

Returns the id of the shape that was found by a collision/raycast function.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • index: The index of the collision (0 is the first index). The collision functions will return the number of collisions found.


ep_world_multipoly_begin(world_id, vertexcount)

Begins a new multipolygon.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • vertexcount: The number of vertices.


ep_world_multipoly_end(world_id, showerrors)

Ends the multipolygon and creates the polygons.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • showerrors: Whether to show error messages if the polygon is invalid (you might want to disable this if you allow the user to draw polygons). If this is false the function will return 0 without showing any error messages.


ep_world_multipoly_set_vertex(world_id, index, x, y)

Sets the coordinates of the vertex with the given index.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • index: The index (0 is the first index).

  • x: The x coordinate.

  • y: The y coordinate.



Returns the id of the first polygon that was created during the decomposition of the multipolygon.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the last polygon that was created during the decomposition of the multipolygon.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Converts the entire world to a long hexadecimal string. You can use this string to restore the world to this state later.

  • world_id: The id of the world.


ep_world_unserialize(world_id, data)

Restores the state of the world from the serialized data.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • data: The serialized data created by ep_world_serialize.



Returns the id of the previous world, of 0 if there is no previous world.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the next world, of 0 if there is no next world.

  • world_id: The id of the world.


ep_world_set_uservar(world_id, index, value)

Changes the value of the user variable with the given index.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • index: The index (0-4).

  • value: The new value.


ep_world_get_uservar(world_id, body_id, index)

Returns the value of the user variable with the given index.

  • world_id: The id of the world.

  • index: The index (0-4).



Returns the id of the first polygon in the world, or 0 if there are no polygons.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the last polygon in the world, or 0 if there are no polygons.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the number of polygons in the world. The world keeps track of the number of polygons internally so this function is very fast.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the first body in the world, or 0 if there are no bodies.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the last body in the world, or 0 if there are no bodies.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the number of bodies in the world. The world keeps track of the number of bodies internally so this function is very fast.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the first contact in the world, or 0 if there are no contacts.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the last contact in the world, or 0 if there are no contacts.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the number of contacts in the world. The world keeps track of the number of contacts internally so this function is very fast.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the first hinge joint in the world, or 0 if there are no hinge joints.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the last hinge joint in the world, or 0 if there are no hinge joints.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the number of hinge joints in the world. The world keeps track of the number of hinge joints internally so this function is very fast.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the first distance joint in the world, or 0 if there are no distance joints.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the last distance joint in the world, or 0 if there are no distance joints.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the number of distance joints in the world. The world keeps track of the number of distance joints internally so this function is very fast.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the first rail joint in the world, or 0 if there are no rail joints.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the last rail joint in the world, or 0 if there are no rail joints.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the number of rail joints in the world. The world keeps track of the number of rail joints internally so this function is very fast.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the first slider joint in the world, or 0 if there are no slider joints.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the last slider joint in the world, or 0 if there are no slider joints.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the number of slider joints in the world. The world keeps track of the number of slider joints internally so this function is very fast.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the first view in the world, or 0 if there are no views.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the last view in the world, or 0 if there are no views.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the first water object in the world, or 0 if there are no water objects.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the id of the last water object in the world, or 0 if there are no water objects.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the number of views in the world. The world keeps track of the number of views internally so this function is very fast.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the number of shapes in the world. The world keeps track of the number of shapes internally so this function is very fast.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Returns the number of forces in the world. The world keeps track of the number of forces internally so this function is very fast.

  • world_id: The id of the world.



Comment #1: Sun, 13 Jan 2013, 1:08 (GMT+1, DST)



Sorry to bother you again, but say I have a shape, and there is an imaginary line through its center of mass which is parallel to the shape's velocity.

I want to find the vertex of the shape, one on each side, that is furthest from the line (and not the center of mass). Should I use ray casts for this?

The current way I'm thinking of is using a ray cast from a distant point down this line and finding where it stops hitting the object - but I'm positive there's a faster way...

Maarten Baert


Comment #2: Sun, 13 Jan 2013, 2:18 (GMT+1, DST)


Quote: Zerozero11


Sorry to bother you again, but say I have a shape, and there is an imaginary line through its center of mass which is parallel to the shape's velocity.

I want to find the vertex of the shape, one on each side, that is furthest from the line (and not the center of mass). Should I use ray casts for this?

The current way I'm thinking of is using a ray cast from a distant point down this line and finding where it stops hitting the object - but I'm positive there's a faster way...

Shapes don't have a center of mass or velocity, so I assume you mean a body with one shape.

What you're asking sounds like a support function. ExtremePhysics doesn't have this, but you can do it yourself in GML. Assuming your polygon is located at (0,0) and not rotated relative to the body, this should work:

var vx, vy, d, n, i, lx, ly, xx, yy, leftdist, rightdist, leftx, lefty, rightx, righty;
vx = ep_body_get_xvel_center(, body);
vy = ep_body_get_yvel_center(, body);
d = sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);

if d < 0.0001 {
    vx = 1;
    vy = 0;
} else {
    vx /= d;
    vy /= d;

leftdist = 0;
rightdist = 0;
leftx = x;
lefty = y;
rightx = x;
righty = y;

n = ep_polygon_get_vertex_count(, poly);
for(i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
    lx = ep_polygon_get_vertex_x(, poly, i);
    ly = ep_polygon_get_vertex_y(, poly, i);
    xx = ep_body_coord_local_to_world_x(, body, lx, ly);
    yy = ep_body_coord_local_to_world_y(, body, lx, ly);
    d = xx * vy - yy * vx;
    if d > leftdist {
        leftdist = d;
        leftx = xx;
        lefty = yy;
    if -d > rightdist {
        rightdist = -d;
        rightx = xx;
        righty = yy;

(not tested)


Comment #3: Sun, 13 Jan 2013, 5:16 (GMT+1, DST)


Oh man oh man thank you so much Marten!


Comment #4: Wed, 28 Aug 2013, 16:02 (GMT+1, DST)


hi maarten,why "ep_world_collision_test_" test a body with polygon shape return more than 1?

oh really sorry i didn't see that
"Returns the number of shapes that collide with a 'virtual' box. You can use ep_world_get_collision_body and ep_world_get_collision_shape to get the ids of the bodies and shapes." excuse me :P

Last modified: Wed, 28 Aug 2013, 16:06 (GMT+1, DST)


Comment #5: Wed, 28 Sep 2016, 23:27 (GMT+1, DST)


Hello, I have struggle with slow motion in my game. Ii looked like, that it works just right, until I added replay feature.
Now, when I activate slowmotion while replay, it behaves slightly diferent , and in longer levels, result is absolutly diferent (It happens also in gameplay while slowmotion, but its not noticible)

does EP do something somewhere else, except in those 2 scripts?

every movement in game is by servos using ep_hingejoint_set_motor

I call servo scripts and ep_body_get_rot, every time this happens 4 times:

Thank you very much


Comment #6: Thu, 29 Sep 2016, 0:28 (GMT+1, DST)


Only contacting you itself helped me this time, because after posting my problem, I realized its not true, that i am calling servo script exactly after every 4 updating contacts and simulating steps.
Now it works well, thank you :)

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